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Sdehub - Quick Hire Professional Freelancers.

Ticketing System. Job Marketplace, Upwork alternative for Freelancers.

SDEHUB has a lot of features with which is easier and more secure to hire a Freelancer.

We Have: Time Management, Tasking System and Bid System.

Time Management

Keep your employees on track with Time Management app!

Regardless to our Time Management system application which is available on Windows and MacOS, Client is able to track his money and time spent by Freelancer on his Job or Task assigned to. Freelancers' Work Diary acts as a visual record of Freelancers' hours. It shows to clients the hours Freelancer worked and work-in-progress screenshots.

Tasking System

Task Management is a system which allows you to create tasks for Freelancers who took your Job. There is no limited number of tasks which can be assigned.

By creating a task you can select on which user to be assigned, selecting Project, setting Priority(Low, Medium, High or Emergency) and selecting task Type(UI Improve, Maintenance, Dev Task, Bug Fix or Critical Crash/Data Loss)

Add the Title, Description, attach Images and Videos for better task understanding.

Freelancer is able to set the Task Status, from "New "to "In Progress" and Client will receive an e-mail with any changes on the Task like Task progress and Comments.

After the Task was completed, Freelancer should set Status from "In Progress" to "Resolved". In this case, Client will be notified.

Bid System and Contract

And any task can be Promoted to a Job. And it's free!

All Promoted Tasks to Public Jobs, will be found by any Freelancer on SDEHUB Marketplace.

A Job can have a starting BID price and Freelancers which wants to apply to your Job, will increase Bids. In Job details will be displayed all Freelancers which made Bids and you as Client will be able to accept any of them which meet your requirements.

Next step is signing a Contract through E-Signature between Client and Freelancer.